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Career Progression & Reviews

For the typical tenure-track faculty member, it’s important to stay proactive and be aware of the various points along your career path for reflection and evaluation. These steps are:

  1. Appointment to faculty
  2. Appointment upon hiring to Graduate Faculty Status (a three-year appointment)
  3. Annual Evaluations
  4. Third-year review
  5. Graduate faculty reappointment (takes place every seven years)
  6. Promotion (eligible during the fourth year as an assistant, must go up to the sixth year)
  7. Tenure (eligible during the fifth year at UGA; three years of service credit can be given)
  8. Post-tenure review (PTR)
  9. Role changes or additions (graduate coordinator, department head, director of a special project, broader administrative role)
  10. Retirement, including Emeritus Status

The Office of Faculty Affairs offers resources, workshops, and cohort programs to support faculty success at each stage of a career.

Visit the New & Early Career Faculty page on the Provost’s website to find resources, workshops, and cohort programs to support faculty success at each stage of a career. Join the mailing list for faculty professional development by emailing the Office of Faculty Affairs.