Career Progression & Reviews
For the typical tenure-track faculty member, it’s important to stay proactive and be aware of the various points along your career path for reflection and evaluation. These steps are:
- Appointment to faculty
- Appointment upon hiring to Graduate Faculty Status (a three-year appointment)
- Annual Evaluations
- Third-year review
- Graduate faculty reappointment (takes place every seven years)
- Promotion (eligible during the fourth year as an assistant, must go up to the sixth year)
- Tenure (eligible during the fifth year at UGA; three years of service credit can be given)
- Post-tenure review (PTR)
- Role changes or additions (graduate coordinator, department head, director of a special project, broader administrative role)
- Retirement, including Emeritus Status
The Office of Faculty Affairs offers resources, workshops, and cohort programs to support faculty success at each stage of a career.
Visit the New & Early Career Faculty page on the Provost’s website to find resources, workshops, and cohort programs to support faculty success at each stage of a career. Join the mailing list for faculty professional development by emailing the Office of Faculty Affairs.