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Outstanding faculty within the Mary Frances Early College of Education may be considered for a number of university and College awards. The nomination and selection process for these awards varies.

Mary Frances Early College of Education Awards

Learn About the MFECOE Awards

Regional and National Teaching Awards

The Center for Teaching and Learning maintains a list of awards. Please contact the human resources coordinator if you have questions.

UGA Awards

The nomination and selection process for the University-wide awards listed below varies. Please review the following links carefully for detailed information related to eligibility, the application process, and submission requirements. Some of the awards are handled directly by offices outside the Mary Frances Early College of Education while others are processed through the Office of Faculty and Staff Services for the Dean of the Mary Frances Early College of Education. Nominations that must be submitted to the Mary Frances Early College of Education Awards Committee should be submitted as a single PDF file via email attachment. Email the Office of Faculty and Staff Services.

Please note: The MFE COE Awards Committee will not accept late or incomplete dossiers. It is the responsibility of the nominator to ensure the dossier is complete and submitted by the deadline.

Richard B. Russell Undergraduate Teaching Award

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professorships

The University of Georgia Award for Excellence in Teaching

University Professorship

Regents’ Professorships

Faculty Research Awards

Creative Research Medals

Early Career Scholar Awards

Creative Research Awards

Distinguished Research Professorships

Non-tenure Track Faculty Research Excellence Award

Research Communications Award

International Collaborative Research Award

  • Eligibility: Eligible teams must have at least one international collaborator, that is, research collaborations must involve researchers based in a country outside of the U.S., teams must be comprised of faculty providing complementary expertise, each faculty member must have made separate substantive and discrete contributions in a novel manner to the project being recognized, and team members may belong to any academic institution or organizations in the public or private sectors.
  • Due Date: October 3, 2024
  • Due Date UGA: November 1, 2024
  • Questions? Email
  • More International Collaborative Research Award Information

Team Impact Award

  • Eligibility: Eligible teams must be composed of at least three distinct disciplines or subdisciplines and comprised of independent faculty each providing complementary interdisciplinary or subdisciplinary expertise, and each of whom has made separate substantive and discrete contributions in a novel manner to the project being recognized. Team members may belong to other organizations including academic institutions, and public or private sectors; however, the team must be led by a full-time UGA faculty member and the majority of team members must be from UGA.
  • Due Date: October 3, 2024
  • Due Date UGA: November 1, 2024
  • Questions? Email
  • More Team Impact Award Information

Regents’ Entrepreneur Designation

Public Service and Outreach Awards

Walter Bernard Hill Fellow Award

Walter Bernard Hill Award