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Aderhold Distinguished Professor Award


The Aderhold Distinguished Professor Award recognizes faculty members for excellence in research, teaching, and outreach/service. The unique requirement of an exemplary record in the triadic mission of the Mary Frances Early College of Education and the University of Georgia distinguishes this award from those that recognize excellence in one area. The award honors O. C. Aderhold who served as a faculty member and administrator, including as President of UGA, from 1929-1967.


At the time of nomination, the nominee must hold the rank of professor or clinical professor and have completed 5 years of service as a faculty member in the College of Education at the University of Georgia.


  • Excellence in the areas of teaching, research, and outreach/service
  • Significant contributions with demonstrated national and/or international impact in each of the three areas independently and/or integratively (e.g., research about teaching, teaching about research, presenting research results as implications for practice to a group of teachers, clients, counselors, parents, etc.)


Evidence in support of the nomination may include:

  • How does the nominee excel in the area of teaching?
    This involves meeting responsibilities to students (e.g., well prepared for class, available for consultation, involved in student tutorials, responsive to student questions and needs, consistent in providing coherence of assigned material and assessments) and challenging students intellectually (e.g., ideas and interchange which provoke students to learn more, demanding quality performance in a responsible manner, causing students to rethink their values and epistemologies). Documentation might come, for example, in the form of carefully designed surveys of students, in-depth review with representative students, solicitation of testimony from successful former students and/or faculty evaluation of syllabi or other indicators of content organization and course objectives. Evidence of innovative curriculum, methods, and technologies is another area that may be included. Another example might be to address the impact upon the field with documented changes in attitude, practice, etc. These examples are intended to be suggestive, not prescriptive or exhaustive.
  • How does the nominee excel in the area of research?
    This involves the development of an independent line of inquiry that may or may not be characterized by collaboration with others. If collaboration is evident, the area of research of the nominee is clear and distinguishable. The faculty member has informed his/her area of research via peer-reviewed, published works. This work has impacted the field, and there is testimony related to this impact. There is recognition for creative and/or original contributions to knowledge. This recognition may be affirmed by recognized national and/or international leaders in the discipline. These examples are only suggestive.
  • How does the nominee excel in the area of outreach and service?
    Within the College, nominees serve on committees as appointed. Beyond the usual College or University committee circuit, other examples of evidence might be (1) service to the College or University through special volunteer work, (2) leadership roles on committees, (3) self-initiated ideas to promote the College or University mission, or (4) innovation related to College or University service. Service to the profession might include work such as offices held in professional organizations, editing national and/or international journals, reviewing for professional journals, volunteering in schools or other educational or social agencies, or presenting and working jointly with organizations and associations, etc. Exemplary public outreach might be nationally/internationally recognized work, such as helping other groups, states, or foreign countries to understand, initiate, maintain, and/or evaluate innovative programs. Consistent dedicated public service that results in improvements, changes, additions, or deletions might be affirmed by relevant personnel. Again, these examples are intended to be suggestive, not prescriptive or exhaustive.
  • How well does the nominee integrate the areas of teaching, research, and outreach/service?
    The innovative ways that the nominee envisions the integration of teaching, research, and outreach may be included. The specific ways in which such integration has been developed and/or implemented may be included. For example, as part of a research grant, a videotape is developed by the nominee to investigate a certain method; later, this videotape becomes an instructional tool to teach this method to undergraduates and is later used in a public service presentation to help parents understand how their children learn.

Download an Award Cover Sheet (PDF)