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Donald O. Schneider Mentoring Award


The Donald O. Schneider Award for Mentoring recognizes excellence in mentoring of University of Georgia students. The award is named in honor former faculty member and administrator Donald O. Schneider, a facilitator, a collaborator, a mentor, and a man committed to public schools and teaching who served the university from 1968-1999.


School and community-based professionals and full-time COE faculty members engaged in mentoring of graduate or undergraduate students in the College


The nominee’s work must demonstrate consistent, high-quality mentoring over a period of time.


Evidence may include:

  • Student and/or faculty assessment of the nominee’s mentoring activities
  • Use of innovative techniques for mentoring
  • Leadership or other professional contributions through mentoring
  • A personal statement from the nominee describing the personal value of mentoring and how it contributed to his/her professional growth

Download an Award Cover Sheet (PDF)