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Faculty Senate D. Keith Osborn Award for Teaching Excellence


The Faculty Senate D. Keith Osborn Award recognizes teaching excellence. There are two award categories: (a) Assistant level and (b) Associate level. The award is named in honor of Dr. Osborn, who was a faculty member from 1968-1994.


Nominees must have completed three years of full-time service to the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the time of nomination. Individuals whose rank is at the first rung of the promotion ladder are eligible in the Assistant category. Individuals whose rank is at the second or middle rung of the promotion ladder are eligible in the Associate category. Senior Lecturers are eligible in the Associate category.


  • The major contribution of the candidate is well defined and is clearly identifiable as an outstanding contribution.
  • The candidate has superior teaching evaluations from students, peers, or alumni.
  • The candidate has made a positive impact on students.


Evidence may include:

  • Background information relative to publications, presentations, previous honors/recognition, and grants.
  • Nominee’s major contributions to teaching. Examples include organizations of novel or innovative teaching methods based on a specific philosophy of education; development of new learning models for teacher education; model course or program development. This section must make the case for the nominee’s unique teaching qualities.
  • Nominee’s personal statement regarding the major contribution, including a self-evaluation.
  • Student evaluations of nominee’s major contribution to teaching with an emphasis on the three years preceding the nomination. Evidence should be both qualitative and quantitative.
  • Summary of former or present student accomplishments related to nominee’s major contribution.

Download an Award Cover Sheet (PDF)