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Jenny Penney Oliver Faculty Diversity Award


The purpose of the Jenny Penney Oliver Faculty Diversity Award is to recognize faculty members whose research, teaching, and/or service promotes a more diverse local, university, and/or global community. According to CAEP, diversity is defined as “(1) Individual differences (e.g., personality, interests, learning modalities, and life experiences), and (2) group differences (e.g., race, ethnicity, ability, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, nationality, language, religion, political affiliation, and socio-economic background)” (InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards, p. 21). Refer to the COE statement on multicultural education and social justice. The award honors the legacy of Jenny Penney Oliver, who was a faculty member from 1995-2013.


All full-time Mary Frances Early College of Education faculty members are eligible.


  • The nominee’s research, teaching, and/or service work reflects a commitment to and provides clear evidence of contributions to diversity.
  • The nominee contributes significantly to the climate of diversity in the college and/or in the community (local to global).


The documentation should describe the ways in which the nominee’s research, teaching, and/or service work has made an impact on diversity and in what arena(s).

Download an Award Cover Sheet (PDF)