Faculty Hiring, Reviews, and Tenure
Learn about faculty hiring, promotion and tenure, post-tenure review procedures, and more.
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Faculty Hiring Information
All new employees receive a welcome email from University HR with links to the UGA Onboarding System, OneUSG Connect, and the Professional Education Portal. General questions can be sent to the Department Head or the Associate Dean of Faculty and Staff Services.
Other faculty hiring information and resources include:
- An appointment checklist (PDF) and employment action document checklist (PDF)
- Listing of faculty ranks
Do you have a question about a specific appointment? Find information about:
- Appointment and promotion of academic professionals
- Appointment and promotion of lecturers
- Appointment of Post-doctoral Researchers
- Dual appointment between UGA and a second USG institution
- Emeritus status
- Hiring public service faculty and research scientists
- Visiting researchers
- Part Time Faculty including letters of agreement
Promotion and Tenure Information
Full details about faculty appointments and promotion guidelines are on the UGA Provost’s Office website.
In any year, a department head/dean may determine not to extend a contract to a non-tenured faculty member. This determination may be made following a recommendation to the head by the unit faculty, consistent with the department and the PTU’s written criteria.
General Points of Career Reflection and Evaluation
For the typical tenure-track faculty member, it’s important to stay proactive and be aware of the various points along your career path for reflection and evaluation. These steps are:
Application and appointment to faculty: As a new faculty member, it’s important to keep these guidelines in mind as you begin your career at UGA:
- Get a mentor or two
- Seek viewpoints from departmental faculty and those outside your unit
- Ask for specific and direct feedback
- Ask senior faculty for help on becoming active in national organizations, letting people know you want to review articles or plan professional meetings
- Talk to your department head or the associate dean for faculty and staff services
- You are responsible for your own success; advocate for yourself
Appointment upon hiring to graduate faculty (a three-year appointment); read details about graduate faculty status
Third-year review: The third-year review is an opportunity for faculty members to know how they are developing given department expectations, understand how they are progressing toward promotion and tenure, and relocate early in their career if there is not a good fit with UGA given their emerging career goals.
In a third-year review, evaluators consider:
- Quality of work (peer and student evaluations considered)
- Balance across areas
- Productivity relative to budgeted time
- Continuity or integration of work
- Focus
The third-year review, a formative process, occurs at the end of the third year of appointment for assistant professors. If an assistant professor comes to the University of Georgia with 2 or 3 years prior credit toward tenure and requests to be considered for promotion and/or tenure in the third year of appointment at UGA, preliminary consideration for promotion and/or tenure will replace the third-year review. Faculty members undergoing third-year review will prepare their dossiers in collaboration with the PTU head detailing their achievements and performance in their assigned area(s) of responsibility. This dossier should take the form of Sections 4 and 5 of the promotion and tenure dossier.
The head of the PTU will appoint a faculty committee, in accordance with the appointment unit bylaws, to provide a thorough review of the individual’s dossier. This committee will contain no fewer than three eligible faculty members. The review will be substantive and will provide the faculty member with critical feedback about his/her progress toward promotion and/or tenure.
The third-year review committee will report its findings to the PTU, and the eligible faculty, including the PTU head, will vote to recommend whether progress toward promotion and tenure is sufficient. The PTU head is not obligated to reveal his/her vote. The committee will then report its recommendations, along with the vote, to the PTU head. The PTU head will provide the faculty member under review with a written report regarding his/her progress toward promotion and/or tenure. The candidate may reply in writing to the report within 30 days and any reply becomes part of the report.
The PTU head/s letter, and any response by the candidate, will be included in the promotion and/or tenure dossier when it is developed.
Graduate faculty reappointment (takes place every seven years)
Promotion (eligible during the fourth year as an assistant, must go up to the sixth year)
In general, faculty will be recommended to the rank of associate professor after five years as an assistant professor and recommended to the rank of professor after five years as an associate professor.
Faculty who are performing significantly above the expectations for their current rank may be considered for “early” promotion in their fourth year. Strong justification in the PTU head’s cover letter is required for any early promotion recommendation.
The tenure probationary period is five years; only associate professors and professors are eligible for tenure. A maximum of seven years may be served without the award of tenure (if the initial rank is INST, the maximum time served without tenure is 10 years). You can find full guidelines for requesting an extension of the tenure probationary period due to an FMLA event on the Provost’s website.
Non-tenured faculty in their sixth probationary year and who have not been turned down for tenure in their fifth year must be reviewed for tenure unless they request in writing not to be reviewed. Such requests should be submitted with the department head and dean approval to the provost, via the Office of Faculty Affairs, by May of the fifth year in rank.
To calculate your rank, it depends on your type of contract. Faculty on academic-year contracts must be appointed on or before the beginning of Fall semester for that academic year to count toward your year in rank. Faculty on fiscal year contracts must be appointed on or before the beginning of the Spring semester for that year to count toward your year in rank. If you were appointed in the middle of an academic year prior to the 2015-2016 year, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Tenure (eligible during the fifth year at UGA; three years of service credit can be given)
Post-tenure review (PTR)
Role changes or additions (graduate coordinator, department head, director of a special project, broader administrative role)
Promotion and Tenure: Criteria for Academic Rank (tenure-track) Faculty
The University of Georgia Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (p. 9) require that each appointment unit develop its own discipline-specific criteria and procedures for promotion and tenure in order to supplement the UGA Guidelines. A unit’s own discipline-specific criteria and procedures must be accepted by the faculty within the appointment unit and must be reviewed and approved by the dean of the school/college and by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost must also be notified of and approve any amendments to a unit’s promotion and tenure criteria.
- Department Discipline-Specific Criteria
- Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion of Clinical Faculty
- Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion of Academic Professionals
- Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion of Lecturers
- Guidelines for the Appointment and Promotion of Research Scientists (PDF)
Promotion and Tenure: Formatting Your CV
As an effort to produce a more uniform reporting procedure, particularly as it affects publications, the curriculum vitae should be prepared in the following outline form and included in the dossier in the section indicated in the guidelines for preparing both the promotion and tenure dossiers.
- Academic history
- Name
- Present rank, recommended rank, proportion time assignments
- Tenure status
- Administrative title (if any)
- Graduate faculty status
- Highest degree, the institution, the date
- List of academic positions in chronological order with titles and inclusive dates
- Other professional employment (current and previous), dates
- Post-graduate awards (fellowships, lectureships, etc.)
- Resident instruction and continuing education narrative summary of facts (e.g., courses of instruction, enrollments, academic advising, etc.)
- Scholarly activities
- Publications (include all categories listed below; if there are no entries for a particular category, state “none”; indicate the number of pages for books or chapters)
- Books authored or co-authored (in print or accepted); distinguish original editions and revisions
- Books edited and co-edited (in print or accepted); distinguish original editions and revisions
- Chapters in books (in print or accepted)
- Monographs (longer than articles, in print or accepted)
- Journal articles (in print or accepted)
- Abstracts (in print or accepted)
- Book reviews (in print or accepted)
- works submitted but not yet accepted
- Any other (e.g., popular articles)
- Creative contributions other than formal publications
- Grants received (dates, amounts, principal investigator or co-principal investigator)
- Recognitions and outstanding achievements (prizes, fellowships, etc.)
- Areas in which research is done
- Supervision of student research (including the number of theses and dissertations supervised)
- Editorship or editorial board member of journals or other learned publications
- Convention papers
Note: Mark with an asterisk those publications that have gone through stringent editorial review; mark with a double asterisk those publications that were invited and carry prestige and recognition)
Note: Mark with an asterisk those that have a published counterpart; mark with a double asterisk those papers that were specially invited, i.e. keynote papers
- Public services performed: Extension, international programs, local community services, and relations, and to governmental and non-governmental agencies
- Other services: This would include, for example, service on departmental, college, or university committees and special administrative assignments; service to student groups and organizations and to support units such as libraries, computing services, and health services
Each of the above categories should have a heading entry and, as will be the case, if there are no entries to be made in the categories, enter “none.” This will assure that each category is attended to and that there is a common mode of presenting the information.
The UGA Libraries has a handy citation tracking guide to help with this process.
Promotion and Tenure: The Process
- The faculty member “will prepare their dossiers detailing their achievements and performance in their areas(s) of responsibility.” This dossier should include:
- Current vita (use VPAA format)
- Statement of main accomplishments to date (2 pages)
- Detailed description of achievements to date (12 pages)
- Department head appoints a committee to review materials & prepare a written report. This report includes general evaluation, vote, a brief discussion of strengths, a brief discussion of weaknesses (if any), and specific recommendations for the next few years.
- Committee reports to PTU faculty and all eligible faculty vote on whether progress is sufficient (“Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure”). The written report with the faculty vote is given to the department head.
- The department head reviews the report with the faculty member in a face-to-face meeting.
- The faculty member may prepare a written reply to the departmental report, which becomes a part of the report. A written response is recommended if there are inaccuracies or misunderstandings in the departmental report. No written response is required if the faculty member agrees with the report.
- The departmental third-year review report and any written faculty response become a section in the promotion dossier. SAVE A COPY FOR YOURSELF.
Note: This process may vary by department, including what materials the faculty member must prepare for a third-year review beyond the vita, their main accomplishments, and discussion of achievements; the committee composition; the timeline for completing the process; or expectations.
Promotion and Tenure: Keeping Records
Documentation is imperative on your career track journey. It’s recommended that every faculty member keep a file folder for every year (hard copy or electronic), a file of all publications (hard copy or electronic), and files for types of records kept across years (course comments, unsolicited letters, etc.)
Specifically, faculty should retain the following records:
- Vita in VPAA format updated at least annually
- Teaching evaluations with numerical data and student comments for every course
- Evaluative data collected on your supervision (field placements, directed readings)
- Unsolicited letters (e-mails) from students on your teaching, advising, or mentoring
- Number of students advised at each degree level per year
- Number of student committees on which you serve (as chair and as a member)
- Information on what your graduates are doing
- A list of guest lectures done in classes especial those outside your department
- A copy of each of your publications
- A copy of papers presented at conferences
- A list of journals where you review & approximate number of reviews done each year
- Unsolicited letters (e-mails) regarding your research
- Grant proposals
- Citations of your work
- Media that you develop
- Performance videos
- Written reviews of any of your books articles, media or instructional material
- Activities for state and national professional organizations committee member reviewer of papers, programs, nominations elected offices held
- List of service activities
- Unsolicited letters regarding your service activities
- A copy of your annual faculty activity report and written faculty review
Promotion and Tenure: Related Documents
The following dossier submission documents can be found on the Provosts website:
- Electronic Dossier Checklist
- Example: Letter of Transmittal
- Example: Table of Contents
- Recommendation for Promotion and/or Tenure Form for Academic Rank Faculty
- Recommendation for Promotion Form: Academic Professional, Librarian, Public Service, and Research Scientist Ranks
- Recommendation for Promotion Form: Clinical Faculty
- Recommendation for Promotion Form: Lecturers
- Template: Dean Cover Letter
Post-Tenure Review Procedures and Checklists
The procedures described in this document for conducting the post-tenure review (PTR) have been agreed upon by all departments in the College of Education. The procedures were designed to (a) be flexible enough to meet the needs of all faculty, (b) protect the rights of the individual faculty member being reviewed, and (c) not require materials needed to conduct the review that are not already available. Each department is expected to follow these procedures and is not to revise them at the department level. Section VI (Revision of Procedures) outlines how changes to the College of Education unified set of procedures can be made.
The regular font in the document represents policy approved by the University Council (January 1997).
The bold italicized font in the document indicates the College of Education’s unified procedures to implement the University policy (approved 5/21/97).
Clarifying amendments approved by the College Faculty Senate (2/3/99) are shown in the italicized font.
Each promotion/tenure unit shall establish written criteria and procedures governing the periodic review of each tenured faculty member. Because faculty hold tenure in departments, the promotion/tenure unit referred to in this document is the department.
Supporting Documents for Post-Tenure Review
- Download a Department Head Checklist (PDF)
- Download a Faculty Member Checklist (PDF)
- Download a PDF of the Timeline (PDF)
- Download a Post-Tenure Review Committee Checklist (PDF)
The purpose of the review will be to examine, recognize, develop, and enhance the performance of tenured faculty members at the University of Georgia.
The College views PTR as a faculty development activity and, as such, PTR fits into the College’s pervasive agenda for focusing on development which has been operating for Assistant and Associate Professors over the last few years.
To ensure these goals, the College expects the PTR to be conducted in a consistent manner across and within departments. Furthermore, the reviews should be fair, objective, defensible, clear, as well as rigorous. In the end, the PTR process will help to improve who we are and what we do.
The criteria should reflect the overall mission of the promotion/tenure unit and should be sufficiently flexible to accommodate faculty with differing responsibilities and particular strengths who contribute to the mission of the institution in distinct ways.
In an attempt to coordinate each of the PTR Committees operating within each of the departments, the Department Head will meet with each committee (separately or jointly) to be sure the committee: (a) is familiar with the COE PTR procedures, (b) knows what the report should contain, and (c) provides information to the committee as to the departmental expectations of the faculty member(s) under review.
The question for PTR is: Has the faculty member’s performance been satisfactory or not over the last five years, given their assigned responsibilities and the mission of their department/unit?
The general criteria cited in The University of Georgia Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure, Revised May 1995 (pp. 4-11) will serve as the initial baseline of indicators in considering whether a faculty member continues to demonstrate satisfactory performance. The department interprets how these criteria apply to their respective discipline(s).
Department heads should engage in a discussion with faculty to see if the criteria in the P&T Guidelines are sufficient to cover the varied activities of their faculty. However, one does not have to be outstanding in two of three areas, nor does one have to show a national or international reputation. These are promotion criteria, not those for sustaining tenure.
The (PTR) process must recognize the responsibilities of tenured faculty may change over time (e.g., they may become focused in certain areas or become broader). Thus, the PTR Committee must assess the impact of a candidate’s performance in meeting his/her assigned responsibilities along with the department’s or College’s mission and goals during the period under review.
It is possible to receive a positive PTR, yet be turned down for promotion since different criteria (and interpretations of the criteria) are involved in each review.
The promotion/tenure unit, as defined in the Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure shall ensure that the criteria governing faculty review do not infringe on the accepted standards of academic freedom of faculty, including the freedom to pursue novel, unpopular, or unfashionable lines of inquiry. The review shall be carried out free of bias or prejudice by factors such as race, religion, sex, color, national origin, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, disability, political affiliation, or veteran status.
Reviews shall occur once every five years after tenure or promotion has been granted unless delayed because the faculty member is on leave or because his or her review for promotion to professor is approved by the faculty of the promotion/tenure unit for the following year. These reviews may be combined with other reviews, including (but not limited to) nominations for chaired professorships, major teaching awards, graduate faculty appointments, national professional honors or awards. In the case of combined reviews, the Post-Tenure Review Committee may require supplementary documentation from the faculty member, which meets the criteria of C-1 below.
A timeline for conducting reviews in the College is provided in Appendix A.
If a faculty member is scheduled for PTR for a given year, but in the year just preceding his/her review they received a positive vote for promotion from the department faculty and his/her promotion was approved by the Board of Regents, his/her PTR will be rescheduled five years hence.
A successful application for graduate faculty appointment will not replace or suffice for a PTR. These are two separate reviews.
Each promotion/tenure unit shall develop the policy by which the Post-Tenure Review Committee shall be selected. Such procedures to establish the committee may include (but are not limited to) election, lottery, or a committee of the whole but cannot include appointment by the promotion/tenure unit head. The committee shall consist of a minimum of three tenured faculty members and may include faculty from other promotion/tenure units, contingent upon their willingness and availability to serve. The faculty member under review may formally object to the service of a faculty member in a review capacity. Up to five such objections will be honored if made to the promotion/tenure unit head unless guidelines established within the promotion/tenure unit provide for a greater number. Every effort will be made to keep these formal objections confidential and the formal objections will not be released by the University, except as required by law. However, the peer-review committee shall include at least one member from the individual’s home promotion/tenure unit.
The dean and associate dean have been removed from any list of faculty eligible to serve on PTR committees (decision made 8/4/97, reaffirmed 5/15/98). The reason for this action is that these administrators may be called on later to decide upon resources for a faculty member with an unsatisfactory PTR. Even though these administrators will not be serving on a PTR committee, they will still to undergo PTR.
Eligible committee members include all tenured faculty who hold the rank of Associate Professor or above in their department, or other unit(s) (as needed). The Department Head is not eligible to serve on a PTR committee for faculty in his/her department, but is eligible to serve on PTR committees in other departments.
The rank of those selected to be on a PTR committee is not related to the rank of the faculty member being reviewed. That is, for the review of anyone at the Professor or Associate Professor rank, the committee can be composed of Associate Professors or Professors.
Due to the nature of faculty members’ work over the past five years, it may be that those best able to review their work are from units other than the department. Faculty in this situation may request an expanded pool be created to include tenured faculty from one or more units. The request, which identifies the other unit(s), must be put in writing to the department head by Friday of the first full week of the Fall term.
For those faculty members who elect to use the expanded pool option for forming their PTR committee, only units on The University of Georgia (Athens campus) may be selected.
The maximum number of units to draw from outside one’s own department is four. Persons drawn from these units must be tenured faculty.
For faculty members who are assigned to some unit other than the one in which they hold tenure, they might wish to use the expanded pool option in creating their PTR committee (III-B.4). This will ensure that someone from their “home” unit is familiar with their current work assignments.
The pool of eligible faculty to form the PTR committee can be obtained in one of two ways:
- If the candidate does not submit a written request as specified in #2, the Department Head randomly selects ten names from the eligible faculty in the department. If there are too few eligible faculty from the departmental pool, the Department Head randomly selects the additional names needed from the eligible faculty. The list of ten names must include at least one name (two if there is a sufficient number of faculty) from the candidate’s department.
- If the candidate has submitted a written request for the pool of eligible faculty be expanded to include other unit(s), the Department Head randomly selects six names from the eligible faculty in the department. If there are too few eligible faculty from the departmental pool, the Department Head randomly selects the additional names needed from the eligible faculty in the School. Then the Department Head (in consultation with the Department/Unit Head of the other unit(s) identified in #2) randomly selects four names from the pool of eligible faculty from the other unit(s). The list of ten names must include at least one name (two if there is a sufficient number of faculty) from the candidate’s department.
The Department Head presents the list of ten names to the candidate being reviewed. Each faculty being reviewed is allowed a maximum of five objections from this list. At least one name from the candidate’s department must remain on the list (two if there is a sufficient number of faculty).
Faculty are ineligible to serve on a PTR Committee when a conflict of interest arises with the candidate being reviewed. The policy adopted in The University of Georgia Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure, Revised May 1995 (p. 3, paragraph 5) defines what constitutes a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest may exist for either the faculty member being reviewed or the faculty member selected to be on a PTR Committee. In either case, the conflict of interest must be identified in writing to the Department Head. If a conflict of interest arises with the candidate and any of the individuals on the list obtained from Step 4, the name(s) must be removed from the list and another name(s) randomly selected from the pool in Step 3a or 3b.
Three individuals are selected for the PTR Committee from the names remaining on the list (from Step 4) according to the following procedures: one name is randomly selected from the candidate’s department; if the candidate requested representation from one or more units outside the department, one name is randomly selected from the unit or set of units; the remaining name(s) is(are) randomly selected from among the names remaining on the list.
The Department Head obtains agreement from the selected faculty to serve on the PTR Committee. Before the review begins, the Department Head informs the candidate of the names of the faculty who are serving on the PTR Committee.
A faculty member may be randomly selected to serve on more than one PTR committee. In this case, it is up to the faculty member as to whether he/she is willing to serve on more than one PTR committee in any one year.
A faculty member does not select who is on his/her PTR committee, and alternatively, a faculty member cannot choose the PTR committee on which he/she will serve. This is to be a random process within the bounds described in the COE procedures document (IIIB).
If two or more faculty members are being reviewed from the same department, in the same year, they cannot serve on each other’s PTR committee.
Each PTR Committee can set its own operating schedule given the timeline for completion of the review (see Appendix). However, all PTR Committees must abide by the following rules: (a) each committee selects its own chair, (b) each committee votes by secret ballot, and (c) the chair of the committee drafts the report, which must include the results of the vote.
Once the PTR committee(s) is(are) formed in each department, the Faculty Administrator for Faculty Services is to be informed as to who is chairing each PTR committee for purposes of communication. This should be done as soon as the person is either elected or chosen by members of the PTR committee.
Review procedures shall include:
A review of qualitative and quantitative evidence of the faculty member’s performance over at least the previous five-year period. The evidence should include annual reviews by the promotion/tenure unit head, a current curriculum vitae, materials providing documentation of the faculty member’s accomplishments and contributions that the peer review committee or the faculty member judge to be relevant to the review. The faculty member should provide the Post-Tenure Review Committee with a concise summary of accomplishments and future plans not to exceed two pages in length.
The vita is to be inclusive and not confined to the last five years.
The candidate’s assigned departmental or College responsibilities (e.g. assigned time, budgeted time, or some other mechanism) are to be included in one of the required pieces of evidence described in III-C.1.
It is the responsibility of each faculty member up for PTR to compile the set of materials that is turned over to his/her PTR committee. The set of materials is to cover only the previous five year period (with the exception of the vita - see III-C.1a above). If a faculty member refuses to turn in materials, their refusal alone is a cause for a non-satisfactory review.
The department head is not to supply any information (professional or personal) to the PTR committee with the exception of providing an overview of the departmental expectations of the faculty member (see II-A.1) unless the faculty member fails to comply with III-C.1c above.
Merit salary ratings and annual salary increases are not a part of the data provided to the PTR committee.
For faculty who are serving in an administrative role (e.g., Dean, Associate Dean, and Department Head), the following materials (in addition to what is listed in III-C.1) should be included, but are not limited to:
- Job description/assigned responsibilities
- Annual written review by the administrator’s immediate supervisor (see Appendix B)
Discussion with the faculty member about his or her contributions to the profession, the promotion/tenure unit and the University, if either the Post-Tenure Review Committee or the faculty member so desire.
During the review, if a meeting is desired by either party, the request for the meeting must be in writing. A written summary of information obtained during the meeting is to be included as part of the PTR report.
Appropriate consideration of a faculty member’s contributions to interdisciplinary programs, governance, administration, and other programs outside the promotion/tenure unit.
The Post-Tenure Review Committee shall provide the faculty member with a concise, written summary of the review and a conclusion as to whether his/her performance is deemed satisfactory. The faculty member shall have the opportunity to prepare a written response to the summary. A copy of the summary and any written response to it shall be placed in the personnel file of the faculty member. If the faculty member’s performance is deemed not satisfactory, the Post-Tenure Review Committee shall provide a report identifying the areas of weakness and suggest actions that might strengthen the faculty member’s performance.
A satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance review will be determined by a majority vote of the PTR Committee. There can be no abstentions from voting.
A minority report may be incorporated into the PTR report by summarizing the rationale for the vote.
The promotion/tenure unit head shall also maintain in the faculty member’s personnel file all documents that played a substantive role in the review (other than documents such as publications that are readily available elsewhere), and a record of any action taken as a result of the review.
A faculty member may request a reconsideration of the post-tenure review recommendation of the Post-Tenure Review Committee by submitting a letter and additional documentation to the promotion/tenure unit head within fifteen days of receipt of the written review.
The request for reconsideration (letter and additional documentation) will be reviewed by the same PTR Committee who initially reviewed the candidate.
A reconsideration is for a situation where the PTR committee perhaps did not understand the evidence/material provided, or some new material/evidence has come in that will have a bearing on the decision.
A faculty member may appeal in writing a Post-Tenure Review Committee action or decision within fifteen days of the final action of the Post-Tenure Review Committee. The appeal will go to the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee. The Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee would be a seven-member faculty committee elected by the University Council for two-year staggered terms. The Executive Committee of the University Council shall nominate faculty members at the rank of professor with tenure from within and outside the University Council as candidates for the election of the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee. No more than two members shall be from any one college. The committee shall elect its chair annually. The Faculty Records Office of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs will provide staff assistance.
The role of the department head in the case of PTR reconsiderations/appeals will be similar to the role he/she currently plays in other reviews such as Graduate Faculty or Promotion/Tenure. The department head may or may not choose to join in and support the reconsideration/appeal.
Copies of the promotion/tenure unit’s post-tenure review policies and procedures shall be filed with the appropriate dean.
Promotion/tenure unit heads shall maintain a record of reviews completed, including the names of all reviewers.
At the end of each academic year, the appropriate dean shall receive a report from the promotion-tenure unit head, listing the names of faculty members reviewed during that academic year and summarizing the outcomes of those reviews.
Any exceptions to this review process must be approved by the Faculty Affairs Committee of the University Council.
The periodic review of each promotion/tenure unit shall include a review of the post-tenure process of the unit.
If a faculty member’s performance is deemed not satisfactory in the review, once all requests for reconsideration and appeals have been exhausted, the promotion-tenure unit head, the faculty member, and the chair of the Post-tenure Review Committee must establish a formal plan of faculty development. This plan must be approved by the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Committee.
The plan should: (a) define specific goals or outcomes to be achieved; (b) outline activities that will be undertaken to achieve the goals or outcomes; (c) set appropriate times within which the goals or outcomes should be accomplished; and (d) indicate appropriate criteria by which the faculty member will monitor progress. The promotion/tenure unit head will be responsible for forwarding the formal faculty development plan to the dean. The promotion/Tenure unit head, the dean, and the appropriate vice president are jointly responsible for arranging suitable resources for the development plan if required.
For faculty whose PTR decision is unsatisfactory, the question about resources to assist the faculty member will first be decided among the department head and dean before vice presidents are involved.
The promotion/tenure unit head will meet with each faculty member whose performance was deemed unsatisfactory at the time of the annual evaluation to review progress toward achieving the goals or outcomes of the development plan. A progress report, which will be included in the annual review, will be forwarded each year to the appropriate administration officer at least one level above the faculty member’s promotion/tenure unit.
It will be the responsibility of the promotion/tenure unit head and a peer review committee (selected as III B) to determine if, after three years, the faculty member, whose performance was deemed not satisfactory, has been successful in the completion of the faculty development plan. The promotion/tenure unit head will report that finding to the appropriate administrative officer at least one level above the faculty member’s promotion/tenure unit, who will proceed in accordance with University and Board of Regents’ policies.
The candidate being reviewed may add a response to the review. The review and response then comprise the progress report. The progress report is forwarded to the school director and the dean.
The promotion/tenure unit shall prepare a plan for scheduling reviews of tenured faculty. The five-year cycle of reviews should begin during the 1997-98 academic year.
The faculty within a department who have been tenured the longest will be the first to be reviewed. Starting with the first tenured, 20% of tenured faculty will be reviewed each year, starting in 1997-98.
A faculty member’s PTR clock starts the year he or she is tenured (See III-A 2 for exception).
Faculty to be reviewed for any given academic year must be notified by their department head in writing by the first Monday in May of the academic year preceding their PTR. The exception to this procedure is for the initial year 1997-98, due to the procedures not being finalized until May 21, 1997.
Each year as promotion and tenure decisions become official, the Faculty Administrator for Faculty Services is to notify each department head for purposes of updating the eligible pool of faculty to serve on PTR committees and for those faculty whose PTR cycle might be affected. Since final decisions are made in the Spring for the following Fall, this information will be provided to each department head by May each year.
The Faculty Administrator for Faculty Services will remind each department head annually (in May) who is scheduled for PTR in the following academic year. This is similar to the service provided by the Graduate School for those who are up for reappointment to the Graduate Faculty.
For those faculty members who are scheduled for PTR, but plan to retire in the next year, they must submit a formal letter indicating the planned date of retirement. The department head is to acknowledge this retirement notice in writing, and also inform the faculty member that if he/she does not retire as stated in their initial letter, he/she will undergo PTR the next year. This cycle will not be permitted to be repeated as a means to forestall PTR.
Care should be taken to evenly distribute the number of tenured faculty in the department to be reviewed each year.
For faculty who received an unsatisfactory review, their next five-year review cycle will begin upon satisfactory completion of the development plan, or no later than three years after the initial unsatisfactory review.
In all cases in which the unit head is the person being reviewed under this policy, an administrative officer one level above the unit head shall assume the unit head’s function in this review.
In the College of Education, the administrative officer one level above the Department Head is the Associate Dean of Faculty and Staff Services.
The procedure for notifying and committee selection for the PTR of administrators (e.g., Department Heads, Associate Dean, and Dean) is described in Appendix C.
Revision of Procedures
The College of Education will review, and change when necessary, the procedures for implementing the University’s PTR policy.
During the first year of implementation, the Ad Hoc PTR Advisory Committee members will discuss with their faculty how well the procedures operated within their department. A meeting of the PTR Advisory Committee will be held during the Spring term of 1998 to discuss any needed changes to the procedures. If changes in the procedures are called for, the revised procedures will be presented to the College of Education Faculty Senate for discussion in the Senate and within each department. The approval of any revisions to the College of Education procedures for implementing the PTR policy will require a majority vote of the Faculty Senate.
After the first year of operation, the PTR Advisory Committee will be discharged and changes to the College of Education’s PTR procedures will be handle through the Faculty Senate.
Checklists based on the activities in the College’s PTR procedures are available from the Faculty Administrator for Faculty Services. Three checklists are available which list the activities of the department head, the faculty member being reviewed, and the PTR committee. Contact the Faculty Administrator for a copy.
Revised 10/17/03
End-of-Employment Documents
If you or your employee are transferring to another UGA department, use the transfer checklist (PDF).
Emeritus Status
UGA’s president may, at his or her discretion, confer the title of emeritus/a on any retired faculty member or administrative officer who, at the time of retirement, had 10 or more years of honorable and distinguished service to the University System.