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Faculty Toolkit

Find helpful back-to-school resources for the semester along with policies and procedures to guide your instruction.

Back-to-School Toolkit

Course Reserves

The Course Reserves service provided by the UGA Libraries ensures timely access to course‐related resources for a large number of students. This is a FREE service for instructors and incurs no cost for students to access course materials.

Physical course reserves may be circulated from any of the following locations:

  • Main Library
  • Science Library
  • Carnegie Library Learning Center (Health Sciences Campus)
  • Curriculum Materials Library (Aderhold Hall)
  • Veterinary Medicine Reading Room (CVM Original Building)
  • Music Library (Hugh Hodgson School of Music)
  • The Dodd Library (Lamar Dodd School of Art)
  • Owens Library (College of Environment and Design)

Online course reserves are typically journal articles or book chapters. As long as the amount of material is within the Board of Regents copyright guidelines, we can post readings in your eLC course module or have them accessible from the GIL catalog.

Requests may be submitted at any time. To ensure materials are available on the first day of classes, please submit requests by July 15 prior to the Fall semester. Requests received after this date will be processed as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee their availability by the start of classes.

To make your requests:

  1. Begin by inquiring at any of our course reserves locations or fill out the UGA Libraries’ online form.
  2. Submit a list of citations or materials to the Libraries’ course reserves staff. We’ll locate and process the materials for students to either access digitally, or physical materials may be assigned a two-hour, one-day, three-day, or seven-day loan period at one of our libraries. For DVD or streaming media reserves, you can email the Media Desk or contact them by phone at 706‐542‐7360.

If you have any questions or comments, please email the reserves coordinator Ben Lawrence (Main Library) or call 706‐542‐2081; or email the reserves supervisor Brenda Robbins (Science Library) or call 706‐542‐4535.

GaPSC Substantive Changes

What is a Substantive Change?

  • A change in the level of an already approved program (e.g. add an M.A.T. to an undergraduate program)
  • A change in the type of an already approved initial prep program (e.g. adding non-degree certification)
  • An addition of an area of emphasis to an already approved program for initial preparation (requires UGA approval)
  • Leadership changes within the EPP
  • Adding or deleting courses/hours (not substituting courses)
  • A degree name change
  • A program admission or completion change
  • A significant increase in field experience or residency
  • A change to key assessments at the EPP level
  • A change in delivery mode (e.g. online, hybrid)
  • Adding advanced programs (e.g. degrees taken by educators for continuing education)

What is not a Substantive Change?

  • Adding a new program–if it has another rule, it requires a full review but a substantive change is not the appropriate type of change
  • Tweaks or enhancements to field experiences or courses
  • Substituting courses
  • Course number changes or assessments within a course

We can submit one substantive change request per semester. Please contact Krista Vanderpool for additional information on the substantive change process.

Minimum Enrollment Policy

Educator Prep Resources

Visit the Educator Prep Resources Site for resources for teacher candidates at all degree levels and current teachers who are looking to renew or upgrade their teaching certification.

Instructional Resources

Request Changes to the Undergraduate Bulletin

Information received after the deadline dates for each Bulletin will be held over and automatically included in the next version. Previous versions of the Online Bulletin are available for viewing on the website under Bulletin Archives.

Bulletin Info and Deadlines (PDF)

Summer School Worksheet

Download a Summer payroll worksheet template (XLS)

Workload/​EFT Calculation

EFT stands for Equivalent Full Time. Because most faculty are on 9-month contracts, their EFT is .75 because an EFT of 1.0 would represent a 12-month contract. The academic year is subdivided into 10 units of workload. Each unit is .75 ÷ 10 = .075 EFT. One unit is 10.0% of your time (.075 ÷ .75).

The chart below shows the conversion of units to EFT to percentage of time.


Thus, a faculty member who is budgeted for 5 units of instruction and 5 units of research for the academic year would be budgeted .375 EFT for instruction and .375 EFT for research, or 50% instruction and 50% research.

Similarly, a faculty member who is budgeted for 8 units of instruction and 2 units of service would be budgeted .6 EFT for instruction and .15 EFT for service, or 80% instruction and 20% service.

The allocation of EFT is negotiated annually during the evaluation process. In general, instructional EFT can only be reduced by using external funding to purchase instructional time or for reassignment to administrative tasks. Research time can be converted to instruction or service time in consultation with the supervisor.

University Program Review and Annual Student Learning

Programs are required to report Student Learning Outcomes in Xitracs annually by Oct. 1. Departments are reviewed every seven years. Departments due for review will be contacted by the UGA Office of Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness the year prior to the review.

Contact Anne McDonald with questions.