Check Out Equipment
The Office of Information Technology Help Desk, located in 232 Aderhold Hall, offers an extensive selection of audio-video and instructional equipment for checkout.
This service and the equipment for checkout are reserved exclusively for College of Education students, faculty, and staff. You will be required to show a University of Georgia picture ID in order to check out equipment. This equipment is available to the College community in large part through funding from the Student Technology Fee the College of Education receives from its students.
Many items can be reserved, and most can be checked out for a five-day period. There is no fee, but we charge a late fee of $5 per day, per item.
Feel free to drop by anytime for a quick tour of the equipment we have available for checkout.
Computer Equipment
- Dell laptop
- MacBook Pro
- Chromebook
- iPad
- Webcam
- Digital video recorders
- Digital point-and-shoot (still cameras)
Audio equipment
- Portable PA system
- Microphones
- Transcription pedals
- Headset microphones
- Digital audio recorders
Classroom technologies
- Projectors and screens
- Presentation controller (clicker)
- Laser pointer
- Interactive student response system
- Document camera
Additional equipment
- CD/DVD drive
- USB hard drive
- Tripods
- Conference phone
Copy linkEquipment inventory protocols
As of January 2018, the University of Georgia raised the inventory cost threshold to $3,000. While the University will not require that equipment purchases less than $3,000 receive a numbered property control tag, except where otherwise specified, the College is establishing additional protocols to ensure the proper control of higher value/risk items and to help manage the distribution of equipment. The University and the state of Georgia expect units to properly manage records of equipment distribution and possession and the proper disposal of equipment through University Surplus Property.
Additional College of Education inventory protocols are listed below and are effective Jan. 1, 2018:
- All laptops will continue to receive UGA property control tags and be scanned yearly during inventory review. For information about what equipment may qualify as a laptop, please consult the Office of Information Technology.
- Any equipment over $500 that is maintained for regular checkout to various faculty, staff, and students should receive a numbered University property control tag. If the equipment is moved into such a rotation later in its operational life, a tag may be requested from Property Control.
- All desktop computers under $3,000 purchased starting in 2018 will receive a sequentially numbered College of Education inventory tag from OIT. This will aid in identifying specific machines, as serial numbers are difficult to use, and facilitate finding machines transferred from one unit to another.
- Non-numbered inventory tags identifying the equipment as “Property of the College of Education, University of Georgia” will be available for use on equipment under the University threshold that may still be considered a risk for being misused or misplaced. Each tag will have the telephone number for OIT or, if generated by the units, of the main unit office in case the item is lost.
- Each unit should maintain an equipment list for each employee, including all equipment provided to them exceeding $250. This will allow for a simple review of all equipment in the possession of any individual, efficient return of the equipment when an employee leaves the College, and documentation of equipment returned or disposed of through University Surplus Property. Each employee should be provided a copy of the list each year and should sign off on the list of equipment to acknowledge that it is within their possession.
The University has provided procedures for requesting a UGA tag for equipment under the $3,000 threshold. As of June 30, 2018, the University will establish a unique account code to use in UGAMart to identify such equipment.
When reviewing inventory lists in January and February, units should follow these additional protocols, and the majority of items under the $3,000 inventory threshold, with the exception of laptops and checkout items, should be removed. This will greatly simplify the formal inventory review requiring the scanning of each piece of equipment.
- This process should be completed by Feb. 1 of each year starting in FY 2019 and can include items being removed from UGA inventory and any future purchases. The College will provide a form with a standard set of information to use. Departments may add additional fields. All signed forms should be retained as a PDF in a folder named “Inventory files” for each fiscal year on the College’s secure network drive.
- Forms can also be created for departmental or research projects, as long as an individual is assigned responsibility is signing off (e.g., PI, staff responsible for checkout).