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Academic Standing

The Mary Frances Early College of Education will follow the Connect & Complete university-wide approach to student retention that applies to all undergraduate students starting in Fall 2022. Questions can be directed to the contact for the student’s school or college (PDF).

What is Connect & Complete?

The Connect & Complete Persistence Framework is a set of academic policies for undergraduate students with academic difficulty. The mission of these policies is to provide students with the tools, resources, and support to reach their educational goals. Connect & Complete offers proactive, timely, and holistic interventions centered on students’ unique needs and circumstances.

The expected outcomes of the program include:

  • Identify students early and offer proactive outreach to increase the number and percentage of students in good standing.
  • Introduce the student to a wide range of resources.
  • Identify and reduce the institutional barriers to student persistence.

As a result of participating in Connect & Complete, students will:

  • Identify and articulate their educational goals.
  • Reflect upon internal and external factors that impact their academic performance.
  • Identify and articulate strategies for personal and academic success.
  • Apply these strategies to reach their educational goals.
  • Evaluate strategies and adjust as needed.

Early Alert

A student is on Early Alert if they earn a term Grade Point Average (GPA) below 2.0. If you are on Early Alert, you will receive an email from the Academic Coaching team ( with information about Academic Coaching.

What is required?
Nothing is required of students on Early Alert, but students are strongly encouraged to meet with an Academic Coach in the Office for Student Success and Achievement (OSSA). Academic Coaches partner with students to set academic goals, discuss effective study and time-management strategies, tackle procrastination, and help students feel more in control of their academic commitments. Coaches can also refer students to specific course tutoring and to other offices on campus that can assist students with non-academic challenges. For more information on Academic Coaching, including instructions on booking an appointment, visit the Division of Academic Achievement website.

Students are also strongly encouraged to enroll in a UNIV course that fits their needs. Contact your Academic Advisor to discuss UNIV course selection.

Who should I contact?
If you have questions about Early Alert, email the Academic Coaching team

Academic Warning

What is Academic Warning?
A student is on Academic Warning the first semester their Total Institution GPA is below 2.0. You can find your GPA and academic standing in DegreeWorks and on your Unofficial UGA Transcript in Athena. If you are on Academic Warning, you will receive an email from your school/college. This email will be sent to your UGA email account.
How do I return to Good Academic Standing?
To return to good academic standing and avoid Academic Probation, you must raise your Total Institution GPA to 2.0 or above.
What is required of students on Academic Warning?
A student on Academic Warning is required to meet with an Academic Coach within or affiliated with the Office for Student Success and Achievement (OSSA). You will be notified about this meeting by the DAE through UGA email. Please book this appointment in the first six weeks of the semester in order to have the greatest impact on your academic performance. A registration hold is placed after drop/add and will be removed after your initial appointment with an Academic Coach.

For more information on Academic Coaching, including instructions on booking an appointment, visit the Division of Academic Achievement website.

Who should I contact?
If you have questions about Academic Warning, email the Academic Coaching team.

Academic Probation

What is Academic Probation?
A student is on Academic Probation if their Total Institution GPA is below 2.0 for two or more consecutive terms. If you are on Academic Probation, you will receive an email from your school/college. This email will be sent to your UGA email account.
How do I return to Good Academic Standing?
To return to good academic standing and avoid Academic Suspension, you must raise your Total Institution GPA to 2.0 or above. Note that sometimes, a single term’s grades will not be enough to return you to good standing. You can find your GPA and academic standing in DegreeWorks and on your Unofficial UGA Transcript in Athena.
What is required of students on Academic Probation?
To avoid Academic Suspension after your next term of enrollment, you must:
  1. raise your Total Institution GPA to 2.0


  1. meet minimum retention requirements by completing a minimum of 6 hours of coursework Fall or Spring term, (3 hours Summer term) AND earn a minimum 2.25 term GPA. These courses must be graded A-F. You cannot count S/U courses or W grades toward your 6 (or 3 Summer) minimum hours.
  2. In addition, a student on Academic Probation is required to meet with their Degree Completion Team. The purpose of this meeting is to help you develop a plan for a successful semester and to connect you with support resources that meet your unique needs. A registration hold is placed after drop/add and will be removed after your initial appointment with your Degree Completion Team.
Who should I contact?
Contact your school or college (PDF) or your academic advisor with questions.

Academic Suspension

What is Academic Suspension?
A student is on Academic Suspension if their Total Institution GPA is below 2.0 for two or more consecutive terms and they fail to meet the minimum retention requirements. You can find your GPA and academic standing in DegreeWorks and on your Unofficial UGA Transcript in Athena. You will be notified of Academic Suspension by your School/College through UGA email. A student on Academic Suspension must be away from UGA for one Fall or Spring semester.
What is required of students on Academic Suspension?
  1. To return to UGA after Academic Suspension, students should contact their School/​College Dean’s Office representative (PDF) before the readmission deadline, which is 30 days (1 month) prior to the first day of classes for the semester you plan to return (Find those dates on the Academic Calendar Webpage). Note that readmission from suspension can’t be processed after this 30-day window. If you change your major to one located in a different UGA school or college, you should contact the School/​College representative (PDF) for your new major.
  1. After you return, you are required to meet with your Degree Completion Team(DCT). The purpose of this meeting is to reevaluate and revise your plan for a successful semester and to connect with support resources that meet your unique needs. You will be notified by UGA email of your required DCT meeting. A registration hold is placed after drop/add and will be removed after your initial appointment with your Degree Completion Team.
  1. You will be required to enroll in UNIV 2800 - Returning with Strength, during your first term back after suspension. This 2-hour course is designed to provide tools and teach skills to enhance your academic success and personal growth.

NOTE: If you have been away from UGA for a year or more, you must complete a former UGA Student reapplication at least 2 weeks prior to the semester you wish to return. If your School/College has readmitted you, you won’t be denied admission during the reapplication process; this is simply to update and reactivate your records.

Who should I contact?
Contact your school or college (PDF) or your academic advisor with questions.

To initiate an Academic Suspension return appeal in COE, prepare and submit a COE Academic Suspension Petition. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Advising.

Academic Dismissal

What is Academic Dismissal?
A student is on Academic Dismissal if they have returned from Academic Suspension, and they fail to meet the minimum retention requirements. You can find your GPA and academic standing in DegreeWorks and on your Unofficial UGA Transcript in Athena. You will be notified of Academic Dismissal by your School/College through UGA email. A student on Academic Dismissal must be away from UGA for one full calendar year.
What is required of students on Academic Dismissal?
  1. To return to UGA after Academic Dismissal, students should appeal to the Educational Affairs Petitions Subcommittee.
  1. To complete the appeal, you should reengage with your Degree Completion Team (DCT) to formulate a success plan to present to the committee as part of your appeal.
  1. To begin the appeal process, follow the instructions and deadline dates listed on the Academic Honesty website. Note that appeals a due approximately one month prior to the committee’s meeting date. You should submit your appeal in ample time to hear back from the committee and complete other necessary steps prior to the beginning of the semester.
  1. Questions can be directed to Note that if you change your major to one located in a different UGA School/College, you should contact the School/College representative for your new major prior to completing your appeal.
  1. If your appeal is approved, upon your return, you are required to meet with your Degree Completion Team (DCT). You will be notified by UGA email of your required DCT meeting. A registration hold is placed after drop/add and will be removed after your initial appointment with your Degree Completion Team.

NOTE: If you have been away from UGA for a year or more, you must complete a former UGA Student reapplication at least 2 weeks prior to the semester you wish to return. If your appeal has been approved, you won’t be denied admission during the reapplication process; this is simply a way to update and reactivate your records.

Who should I contact?
Contact your school or college (PDF) or your academic advisor with questions. For questions regarding Appeals, email

Departing Students

Departing students include any student transferring out of UGA and leaving UGA prior to completing a degree. Departing students are invited to meet with an academic coach for an exit interview.